Our Core Values
Our Core Values at Buds
BBehavior We try hard to teach our children how to behave in a society of other children as well as teachers. This develops the social skills that are so important in today’s competitive world. Emphasis is on sharing and politeness.
UUnderstanding Each child is different and learning their individual likes and dislikes as well as their individual strengths and weaknesses are keys to our helping them grow and develop into more rounded individuals.
DDevelopment The real joy of running a nursery/preschool is watching and helping our children grow and develop. We assess their progress on a monthly basis and give our parents a quarterly report on their child’s development. Our small classes of no more than 12 children assure a good learning environment.
SSafety We take very seriously our responsibility for the care and safety of the children entrusted to our care. We have 2 trained nurses on the staff, padded play areas, locked gates, cctv cameras, and most important a pupil to staff ratio of 3 to 1.
Bi Lingual. While not part of our original name we teach in English whenever possible. We have 5 native English speakers on the staff. 10 out of 15 of our staff are fluent in English while 9 are fluent in Thai.